When you encounter the word 'OTHERNESS' how does it feel in your body and thoughts?
Who are the 'OTHERS,' or what is 'DIVERSITY'?
But here it is in front of you, ready for dialogue. What's next?
During this two-day conference, you can expect:
8 world-wide experts in coaching and psychotherapy as speakers
topics of diversity in the areas of business, society, gender, and race
you will receive new tools for dealing with unknown challenges or experiences you haven't encountered before, where 'as before' is no longer possible.
Chantelle Wyley, South Africa
Separation and integration: a workshop based on lessons in difference and diversity from South Africa
In the late 1980s South Africa was at war with itself. The ideology of apartheid (separateness) which had kept people from different cultures geographically and socially apart from each other, and which had enabled militarised oppression of one group (racially classified as black) by another (racially classified as white), for decades, was crumbling, in the face of opposition and armed uprisings of a non-racial, united, democratic movement. Areas of the country were in flames, shootings and burnings were common, tension and mistrust was felt everywhere. Yet in 1994 all South Africans voted in a free and democratic election, and a new government which espoused unity, came into power with hope prevailing over fear. There are great lessons to be learned from this peaceful transition (not perfect but peaceful). And since then, things have not progressed fully according to the dream of peace and unity - we talk about South Africa as a "dream deferred". And there are lessons here too, from how South Africa was diverted from the path that looked so promising. This workshop will be led by a facilitator who has used Gestalt approaches in her work in the transformation of South Africa, for the past 30 years. It will follow the approach of Gestalt OD that holds that change at one level of the system will permeate / affect other levels of the system. It will ask and explore: what is my work and responsibility, and our work and responsibility (in our small groups, in our teams, in our organizations), that will contribute to and effect change in our society?
Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph, Israel
The space between enemies - The impact of life in a war zone.
Most of the time the enemy is zoomed out at the other polarity of wrong and
right, a blurred dangerous entity to be eliminated. Dialogue becomes a
desired impossibility.
At 5 years old I helped my mother to black out the windows, at 15 was a
'mailmen', as most men went to get ready to a war, at 21 the officer in
charge of a field psychiatric hospital, where I first engaged in treating
soldiers suffering from PTSD. Not a day at university yet, yet engaged in the
depth, as an unprofessional co facilitating daily therapy group... And so it
went on, one long war with breaks or one long life paved with military
How does such course of life impact the individual, the larger systems and
the country. Hard to know what does one see when looking at the mirror, in
the long run, choices made, reactions to vents, planning ahead etc.
Each Ukrainian lives through war for the past 20 month and under a threat of
war for much longer. Between deflection/denial and constant fear stretches
The Gestalt philosophy of being invites us to move between the polarities in
as aware of manners and vibrancy as possible.
Illia Mstibovskyi, Ukraine/Germany
Gestalt couching helps a person becomes their truth self
This is one of the main goals of human life.
How can each of us fully express our uniqueness, uncover and realize our abilities, utilizing the opportunities that come our way?
And how, in doing so, can we reveal our true human nature?
So that inside us awakens, as Apostle Peter wrote, "the hidden heart of a person in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit."
Of course, this is a vast and practically inexhaustible topic. Therefore, in this workshop, we can only explore some directions together to address these tasks.
We will talk about the danger of manifesting our uniqueness, such as egoism and pride, as well as the temptations to dissolve in the crowd, to become a "good person" eagerly awaited by society and peers. We will touch upon the meanings and values that truly allow us to be ourselves.
We will explore how the gestalt approach can help here and why gestalt coaching specifically becomes a tool for a person aspiring to wholeness and the expression of their true nature. We will refer to sources in literature, philosophy, and religion.
And most importantly, we will engage in exercises that will help workshop participants gain personal experience in addressing these most important and relevant challenges today.
Olena Zozulya, Ukraine
God has no personality
Lately, we are encountering an increasingly transcendent experience - the pandemic, ecological catastrophes, war. A lot of people, societies, and countries are facing unprecedented experiences, not knowing whom to ask for guidance.
The familiar way of life is crumbling, like ice breaking on a river in the spring, and an entirely different quality of space and the flow of time emerges.
Otherness requires changes and new approaches to problem-solving - going beyond the limits of the body and the limits of knowledge.
In the workshop, I want to share practical and theoretical discoveries in working with otherness, gained during the time of war. How, when encountering a powerful external force, to not fall into fear and helplessness but, on the contrary, to trust otherness and, through processes of enlightenment and liberation, tap into one's true strength.
Gina Ross, USA-Israel
High levels of stress, trauma, loss, or unmet needs can overwhelm us and impact our mental and emotional well-being, causing symptoms on physiological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral levels. They polarize us and complicate the objectivity of our thinking and the effectiveness of our actions to meet our needs.
EmotionAid™ is an advanced technique for the body/mind/soul based on somatic experience. It incorporates tools to overcome daily stress, anxiety, physical, and emotional symptoms.
This technique allows for quickly gaining control over emotions and actions during periods of high stress and trauma, enhancing self-esteem, preventing injuries, and building resilience. It helps in rapidly assisting people who are excited, anxious, or angry.
John Gillespie, Scotland
Meeting the Other in Ourselves
When you are confronted with someone whose experience is beyond the bounds of what you have the capacity to imagine - like being of a different race, being transgender, or having suffered unspeakable trauma… what happens to you? Do you try to reach the other? Or try to find the other’s experience within you? Or do you focus on supporting yourself? How do you navigate feelings around shame and privilege? When Olena invited me to do a workshop at a conference in Ukraine on the theme of ‘Otherness’, I began to reflect on how I don’t know how to meet those who currently suffer from the pain of war. My interest in meeting you makes me curious about what happens to ‘otherness’/ or difference in times of war, and what otherness you might be yearning for? This will be an experiential workshop drawing on ideas about contact with an ‘other’ from Buber and from Levinas, as well as theories related to power, marginalisation and oppression.
Tetiana Balan, Ukraine
Otherness as a value
Today, many people express their uniqueness as there are many changes in which a person grows and becomes bolder.
At the same time, the emotional need to be a member of a collective, a group, and the feeling of "we" are necessary for survival.
The deficit of ownership generates a feeling of loneliness.
Global changes invite continuous personal development, encounters with one's individual experience, and its uniqueness. In the master class, we will explore our pack, our otherness, how we interact with the otherness of the Other. We will also explore our belonging and universality.
Jay Levin, USA
Much I do about nothing
In the 1960s, processes similar to those currently happening in Ukraine were taking place in America, known worldwide as the hippie movement.
These activists aimed to shift governance into a spiritual dimension. In Ukraine today, there are processes where people want to change the quality of those in power, where the basis of values is not money and its vast quantity but spirituality. When people come together in groups to address important tasks and then disperse or continue to coexist if necessary.
In my presentation, I want to share my thoughts on the successes and failures of the hippie movement, discussing the mistakes of globalization and technology. My experience and knowledge may be useful to you here and now.
My main idea is the development of a quality dialogue among people. This will help utilize our differences to strengthen us and establish a foundation for the healthy development of humanity.
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